2017 Departure and Arrival Dates Announced

2017 Departure and Arrival Dates Announced

Summer is quickly approaching, and we would like to share the hosting travel dates for the departing NH16 students and the arriving NH17 students.  Please note that the dates listed below reflect international travel for Core and BP students.  Sponsored Programs students will fly at varying times throughout the summer depending on their program.


  • Seattle and Los Angeles Gateways: June 26
  • New York, Chicago, and Houston Gateways: June 27

1st Arrivals:

  • All Gateways: August 9-10

2nd Arrivals:

  • All Gateways: September 7

Important note on Program Releases:

If a student would like to remain in the U.S. after their program ends, or depart early from their program, this is considered a Program Release.  The last day to submit a Program Release request is May 1st. If you have any questions, please contact your RTLC: 

New York, Houston, and Los Angeles Gateways:
Katy Mulvihill – kmulvihill@afsusa.org

Chicago and Seattle Gateways:
Sarah Tice – stice@afsusa.org