Join us for an enlightening info session on Ramadan, tailored for host families, volunteers, educators, and potential host families curious about this important month!
An update on AFS-USA’s scholarship awarding for the 2025 year
Show off your AFS spirit with new AFS-branded merchandise!
If you are interested in learning about AFS students arriving in the fall and enjoy writing or have marketing experience, we’d love your help writing short bios for incoming students!
Check out the YES & FLEX February Newsletter!
Checkout new and improved interview resources & learn more about conducting interviews for study abroad, host family and volunteer applicants.
Volunteers and Staff took a bus trip through AFS history, stopping at “Bus Stops” to learn what to look forward to in 2025 on the National Hosting Call.
The AFS-USA Board of Directors is working to identify potential new directors for 3-year terms, starting in July 2025, who can provide strategic leadership to help the organization accomplish its priority goals. AFS-USA Board members provide oversight, insight, and foresight with a focus on strategic issues as they relate to the business environment in which […]
What are Sponsored Programs Host Family Recruitment Funds? What can these funds be used for? What are the restrictions on the use of these funds? Are there any design requirements? Does my Area Team need approval to use these funds? Can I use my Area Team’s credit card to purchase items? How will I seek reimbursement? Is it possible […]
Take a look at AFS-USA’s experience at the Chinese Embassy in Washington D.C.!