2018-2019 NSLI-Y and YES Abroad Finalist Lists Available!

2018-2019 NSLI-Y and YES Abroad Finalist Lists Available!

Great news! You can now view lists of ALL 2018-19 NSLI-Y summer and academic year finalists and 2018-19 YES Abroad finalists.

How to Access the Finalist Lists:

As a security measure to safeguard student privacy, volunteers must possess an AFS Global Link username and password to access the finalist lists. Please log into your MyAFS account and then visit the private NSLI-Y and YES Abroad Interview Resources Page, where you’ll find the lists below “Important Pre-Departure Notes for students assigned to AFS”.

Please note the following important details about the finalist lists:

  • NSLI-Y finalists are accurate as of May 7 and YES Abroad finalists are accurate as of May 8.
  • The lists do not contain declination’s or alternates.
  • Finalists who have been assigned to AFS are highlighted in yellow.
  • The lists are sorted by home state.
  • Finalist lists will be available online until June 1, 2018.
  • Finding AFS NSLI-Y and YES Abroad Finalists in Global Link:
    • All confirmed AFS-implemented NSLI-Y and YES Abroad finalists can be viewed in Global Link! To find finalists in your area, search for open service cases with the program codes “__nsnh18” (for NSLI-Y students) and “ypysnh18” (for YES Abroad students).

Important Pre-Departure Notes for students assigned to AFS:

  • Academic year NSLI-Y and YES Abroad students need an in-home interview.
  • NSLI-Y summer finalists do not need an in-home interview, but should be invited to their Local Pre-Departure Orientation.
  • You may ask your TDS any questions about inviting AFS-implemented NSLI-Y and YES Abroad participants to Local Pre-Departure Orientations and scheduling in-home interviews. TDS’s may also contact nsliforyouth@afsusa.org or yesabroad@afsusa.org with any questions.

Finalists who have been assigned to other implementing organizations should not be contacted by AFS unless they have previously expressed interest in being contacted.

We sincerely thank everyone who was involved in helping to successfully complete this past NSLI-Y and YES Abroad interview season!

The AFS NSLI-Y and YES Abroad Teams