2024 Liaison Linking Season!

2024 Liaison Linking Season!

Greetings AFS volunteers! 

As we dive into another Hosting season, we would like to remind and encourage all Area Teams to get a jumpstart on identifying Support volunteers for the coming cycle. The sooner Support volunteers are identified, the sooner we can get them registered, trained, and ready to be linked to a Student and Host Family when the time comes. 

The Liaison Assignment Widget is open for Support volunteer assignments for the 2024-2025 placements. This widget allows Liaison Assignment Coordinators to identify Support volunteers for the coming cycle and assign Liaisons and other Support volunteer roles to Students and Host Families. Please review these links in MyAFS Help & Learning to learn more about the Liaison Assignment Coordinator Position and the linking process.  

Liaison Assignment Coordinators, as well as any volunteer interested in learning more about the Liaison Assignment Widget in MyAFS, are encouraged to view the attached training video, and reach out to us if you have any questions or need help.  

If you are not actively assigned as your Team’s Liaison Assignment Coordinator and are interested in this role, please reach out to your Area Team Chair or other volunteer leadership. If you don’t know who comprises your volunteer leadership, you can contact AskAFS@afsusa.org for assistance. 

Thank you so much to everyone involved for helping prepare our Students, Host Families, and Liaisons for a successful exchange year ahead!