5 AFS Area Team Site “Check-up” Tips

5 AFS Area Team Site “Check-up” Tips

The objective of Area Team websites is to promote local events and news, provide information about regionally available scholarships, and serve as a resource for local volunteers and host families (in accordance with AFS media policy guidelines).

Does your home page cover all the basics, so that a new visitor could understand what your Area Team does, and its relation to AFS-USA? If not, here is some info you could incorporate:

  • About AFS (history and up-to-date statistics)
  • About your Area Team
  • Discover More (with links to the www.afsusa.org website pages)
  • Links to AFS-USA Social Media pages

Be sure to check that all links are working and direct site visitors to the right place; here are some important links to include:

In addition, it’s a good idea to keep your website’s Blog and News sections updated weekly or monthly.

  • For the News/Events area, make sure there is at least one upcoming event posted, and all past events are removed. If you are not able to keep this updated, a News/Events section is not necessary, and can be removed.
  • Update photos throughout the year. If uploading your own photos, please make sure to review these guidelines. There are also pre-approved images on the AFS Flickr page for your use.

*Helpful Hint: Assign a “Webmaster” or someone in your Area Team dedicated to maintaining your Area Team Website.

Need help signing in or locating your Area Team page? Contact Marketing@afsusa.org.