Act Now! Important Exchange Funding Vote – Your Urgent Action Requested Today!

Act Now! Important Exchange Funding Vote – Your Urgent Action Requested Today!

Rep. Andy Briggs (R-AZ) has proposed an amendment that would defund the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and all but eliminate State Department exchange programs. This bill will likely be voted on tomorrow, September 28. Additional details about the bill are included below.

Please use the link below to automatically write to your Representative and ask them to oppose Amendment #133, and to show their support for international exchange programs — this process takes less than one minute and your urgent support is needed:

We would additionally appreciate it if you’re able to share the above link with any friends or family who would like to support youth exchange by sending their own letters.

Thank you!

Additional Details:

Urgent call to action regarding an amendment to the House’s Department of State funding bill that was submitted by Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ,5):

This amendment, known as #133, threatens to eliminate funding for U.S. Department of State educational and cultural exchange programs. Ask your Representative to oppose this amendment by sending a letter now!

This issue is extremely urgent, as the House’s bill could be voted on as early as this Thursday, September 28. Here’s how you can contribute:

Engage Your Representatives: To stop Amendment #133 from being included in the House funding bill, we must ensure that Members of Congress are fully aware of the potential profound consequences of this amendment. Join our campaign by urging your Representative to oppose Amendment #133. Your contributions play a crucial role in this effort.

Amplify Our Impact: We are stronger together! Help us drive the impact of our campaign by sharing it with your network and sharing it on social media. Encourage your colleagues, community partners, and other supporters of exchange programs to send a letter to their Representative and engage their networks on social media using the hashtags #ExchangesImpact and #ExchangesMatter. The more voices we unite, the greater our impact!

Tell your Representative to vote “no” on Amendment #133 today!

Late last week, the House Rules Committee approved this amendment #133 and it now stands to be debated and voted on during the consideration of H.R. 4665, the House’s DOS funding bill. The consequences of these proposed cuts extend far beyond our community. We must act swiftly to safeguard exchange programs.

Thank you for your dedication and hard work. We appreciate your commitment to preserving educational and cultural exchange opportunities, not only for our community but for countless others as well.