Act Now to Help Secure Federal Funding for Exchange!

Act Now to Help Secure Federal Funding for Exchange!

Dear AFS-USA Volunteers,

Federally-funded exchanges are facing significant potential budget cuts, and we need your help to urge Congress to support these invaluable public diplomacy initiatives!

The Administration recently proposed that Congress cut federally-funded exchange programs by 75%, which would be a profound loss for people-to-people diplomacy. In response, the Alliance for International Exchange has organized an easy, online letter-writing campaign that lets you contact your representative with just a few clicks. You can used the pre-drafted template or edit as you like.

Click here to act now

Please take a moment to send a letter today. This an opportunity to use your voice and explain why you think international exchange and study programs create a more just and peaceful world.

Many AFSers have had life-changing experiences through U.S. Department of State-sponsored programs, including Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange & Study (YES), Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX), and National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y). Additionally, shoring up support for federally-funded exchanges creates a more supportive environment for AFS-USA’s privately-funded programs, which rely on J-1 visas administered through the Department of State. Last year, tens of thousands of exchange supporters contacted their representatives, and as a result Congress not only provided strong federal funding for many programs–it also weighed in with the Administration regarding privately-funded programs.

We need that kind of energy again this year! Contact your representative today, and together let’s use our voices to help secure future funding for exchange.

Thank you in advance for your help and for being part of the community that is seeking to increase mutual understanding among people worldwide.