Act Now! Write to Your Senator to Request Strong Support for DOS Exchanges in FY25 

Act Now! Write to Your Senator to Request Strong Support for DOS Exchanges in FY25 

Thank you for your previous support of AFS-USA and intercultural exchange programs!  

The Senate Appropriations Committee plans to mark up their State-Foreign Operations (SFOPS) bill this Thursday, July 25, which includes funding for Department of State educational and cultural exchange programs. After the House passed bill cut exchanges funding by 2.7%, we need your help to raise the Senate funding number as high as possible. 

Will you write to your Senator today to request a strong appropriation for ECE programs? It will take less than one minute to send a letter using this letter-generator tool created by the Alliance for International Exchange. 

It is especially important to send a letter if you live in the states represented by Senators on the SFOPS subcommittee

  • Sen. John Boozman (Arkansas) 
  • Sen. Chris Murphy (Connecticut) 
  • Sen. Chris Coons (Delaware) 
  • Sen. Marco Rubio (Florida) 
  • Sen. Richard Durbin (Illinois) 
  • Sen. Jerry Moran (Kansas) 
  • Sen. Mitch McConnell (Kentucky) 
  • Sen. Chris Van Hollen (Maryland) 
  • Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (New Hampshire) 
  • Sen. Jeff Merkley (Oregon) 
  • Sen. Bill Hagerty (Tennessee) 
  • Sen. Lindsay Graham (South Carolina) 

Thank you for your continued support. Please reach out to with any questions.