AFS Changemaker Reception in Washington, D.C.

AFS Changemaker Reception in Washington, D.C.

On September 12th, the AFS Community in Washington, D.C. gathered to honor several distinguished AFS Changemakers—individuals who have made significant contributions to the field of international education and the AFS Mission of building a more just and peaceful world.

The honorees included:

Congressman Jim Himes (D-CT)
Co-Chair of the bipartisan International Exchange and Study Caucus; original co-sponsor of a House resolution on the importance of international student exchange

Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR)
Original co-sponsor of a Senate resolution on the importance of international student exchange

Jenny K. and Michael G. Messner
Founders of the Speedwell Foundation, which celebrates its 10th anniversary of awarding life-changing study abroad scholarships to more than 200 AFS Students

Photo: Jenny K. and Michael G. Messner with their daughter, AFS Returnee Rebecca Messner Leckie, and son, George Messner (top); Congressman Jim Himes (bottom left); Senator Jeff Merkley (bottom right).

During an awards ceremony, each of the honorees—who are AFS Returnees to Jordan, Ghana and Brazil, respectively—delivered inspiring remarks about the impact of their own AFS experience. Senator Merkley discussed how studying abroad in Ghana with AFS changed his life’s trajectory, stating:

“It was an incredible connection to a different culture in every possible way–the food, the music, the religion. And it affected my life from there forward…I kept hearing this voice [saying] that, “somehow you’ve got to make the world a better place.”

Congressman Himes addressed the peace-building potential of spreading cultural awareness, stating:

“For all of us to go out there and say no, I’ve lived in Jordan, let me tell you what a Palestinian family cares about. No, I’ve been in Africa, let me tell you what an Ethiopian family cares about. That is enormously, enormously powerful. And it may feel like there’s a huge disconnect between those grassroots conversations and what happens [on Capitol Hill] but there isn’t–we listen to our constituents, we respond to the way people are talking about things. So at this point in time, more than ever, the mission of AFS…will make the difference between war and peace.”

Help Promote International Exchange – Call Your Representative!

These AFS Changemakers aren’t the only ones making a difference. As AFS-USA Volunteers, you have a grassroots impact your communities, and you can help promote the initiatives that our friends on Capitol Hill are working on.

The House resolution addressing the importance of international exchange needs additional co-sponsors. Urge your representatives to sign on to this resolution today by calling their offices! Click here to enter your zip code and find your representative.