AFS in the Media

AFS in the Media

How One YES Student Passes Peace Forward

Musfirnoor Dibagelen, an AFS hosted YES Student from the Philippines, wrote about the importance of spreading peace in his community through intercultural education, and shared the various ways he brought cultural understanding to his host community of Arcata, C.A. Read Dibagelen’s story on YES Stories.

Parade Magazine Profiles the Experiences of Three Host Families

Three American families talked about the benefits of being a host family in December’s Parade Magazine. One of the families featured in the article was an AFS Host Family and Diana Deem, a member of AFS-USA’s board of directors and an AFS Host Parent herself, were quoted. Read the full article on Parade.

Exchange Students Featured in Local Wisconsin Publication

Last week, three exchange students studying abroad in DeForest Area High School were interviewed about their life in Wisconsin. Among the students interviewed for the article were two AFS Students – Olof Malander of Sweden and Jasper Wohlenberg of Germany. These students discussed their reasons for wanting to study abroad and talked about the varying cultural experiences they have had in their host homes and school. Read the full article on the DeForest Times-Tribune.