AFS in the Media

AFS in the Media

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Local Alaska Publication Interviews AFS and AFS-Hosted Students

A local Alaskan newspaper interviewed current AFS Students and AFS-hosted YES students about their study abroad experience so far. They talked about life in Alaska, American food, American school life, cultural differences, language barriers, and stereotypes they’ve encountered. Read about some of the students’ experiences in Capital City Weekly.

Local Massachusetts Publication Interviews AFS-Hosted YES Student from Nigeria

AFS-hosted YES student from Nigeria, Nana Umar, wanted to study abroad in the U.S. to dispel stereotypes and experience American culture for herself. She talks about some of her impressions so far and how American culture differs from life in her home country. Read about her study abroad experience in The Falmouth Enterprise.

Indian Publication Interviews AFS Returnee

AFS Returnee and founder of Battery Dance Company (BDC), Jonathan Hollander, was recently profiled in an Indian publication. The feature talked about BDC’s current tour all over India and Hollander’s connection to India, including his experience as a high school exchange student in Bombay. Read about Jonathan Hollander on DNA India.

AFS Returnee Continues Mission to Build Peaceful World in Oregon Community

An AFS Returnee wrote about his reunion with his host father in Switzerland, and how his study abroad experience has inspired him to continue bringing peace and understanding to his community by joining the Ashland Culture of Peace Commission (ACPC). Read his story and learn about the ACPC in The Ashland Daily Tidings.

AFS Returnee Recognized by University for Her Contribution

AFS Returnee, Meg Rich, was recently profiled in James Madison University’s publication for her contribution to her local community. Rich was recognized for her community service, including teaching English and citizenship classes in Spanish through a local organization and working as a Spanish language translator for eighth grade students interested in becoming the first members of their families to go to college. Read more about Meg Rich in The Breeze.

Visually-Impaired YES Student Encourages Persons with Disabilities to Study Abroad

A visually-impaired AFS-Hosted YES Alumna talks about the life-changing, inclusive experience she had as an exchange student in Wisconsin. She said that her study abroad experience helped her gain new perspective and gave her the confidence to achieve her dreams. Read about one visually-impaired exchange student’s experience in the U.S. on YES Stories.

An AFS Hosting Experience Comes Full Circle

Jerry Gulley’s life changed when he met his best friend’s host brother, Lisi Begander, from Austria. As a teenager, Begander helped Gulley see a life outside of his own in Tennessee, and inspired him to explore. This year, Gulley and his partner are hosting Begander’s son, Jakob, as an AFS-USA Host Family. “They are the best host dads we could ever have wished for,” Lisi Begander said in the article.  “We didn’t find it easy to let our then-15-year-old son leave home for a year… But when Jerry and James agreed to host him, it was like letting him stay with a part of the family.” Read the full story on Kenosha News.

One YES Student’s Love for Her AFS Host Mother

Read about one AFS-hosted YES Student’s admiration for her host mother on YES Stories.

The Beginning of One YES Student’s Journey

An AFS-hosted YES Student from India talked about her life as an American teenager in Illinois, and how that experience was beyond anything she could’ve imagined. Read the full story on YES Stories.

YES Alumni Empower Ghanian Youth With Extracurricular Activities

In partnership with AFS YES staff in Ghana, YES Alumni brought extracurricular activities to youth in Ghana after eye-opening academic experiences in the U.S. “Seeing students in the U.S. come to school with their guitars and footballs and stay after school to partake in extracurricular activities changed my perspective on education and the importance of skills-based learning.” Read the full story on YES Stories.