AFS in the Media

AFS in the Media

YES Student’s Experience at the UNICEF Annual Summit

An AFS-hosted YES Student, Isheka Agarwal, talks about the inspirational experience she had at the UNICEF Annual Summit.  Encouraged by the event, she plans to start a UNICEF club back home and hopes to start a children’s health program in her community. Read her story at YES Stories.


Blind YES Student’s Exchange Experience in the U.S.

A blind YES Student talks about her exchange experience in the U.S., and discusses how those six months made a significant impact on her life. Read her story on YES Stories.


AFS Brings Intercultural Experiences to Santa Clarita Valley Community

A local California publication interviewed a host family and an AFS Student about their exchange experience in the U.S.  Read their story at The Signal.


AFS Returnee Receives Fulbright Award

AFS-USA Returnee, Amanda Langan, will find herself back in Argentina next year, this time as a Student Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA). Langan visited Argentina for the first time as an AFS-USA participant in 2012. Since then, she has returned to the country as a college student and has kept in touch with her AFS Host Family. Next year, she will have the opportunity to go back to teach English after completing her undergraduate studies at SUNY Geneseo. Read more about Langan at MyVeronaNJ.


Reaching Out to Communities in Mali Through Spelling Bee Events

Royale Anne Kodio, an AFS-hosted YES Student, loved participating in Spelling Bees while she was hosted in the U.S. so much that she brought the activity back to her home country. Read more about her experience at YES Stories.


YES Student’s Experience in New Jersey

An AFS-hosted YES Student from Libya reflects on the eight months she spent in the U.S. this past year. Read the full story at YES Stories.


AFS Students Gain New Perspectives in the U.S.

A local Pennsylvania publication interviewed two AFS Students and one AFS-USA Returnee about their international exchange experiences. Read the full story at Observer-Reporter.


AFS Students Showcase Their Cultures

AFS Students reflected on their study abroad experience this past year and celebrated cultures in Poughkeepsie, NY this past weekend. Read the full article and watch a video about the event at Poughkeepsie Journal.


AFS-USA Returnee Credits Study Abroad Experience to Success

San Antonio College alumnus and AFS-USA Returnee, Mike Martinez, said his study abroad experience taught him important life lessons and helped him in his career during a resume workshop. Read the full article at The Ranger.