AFS in the Media

AFS in the Media

Minnesota High School Student Wins AFS-USA’s Project: Change Contest

The Grand Prize winner of this year’s Project: Change contest was featured in a local Minnesota publication. Clare Gagne, a student from Orono, MN, submitted a volunteer idea to use arts, music, and athletics to empower children in Kenya. As the winner, Clare received a full scholarship to travel to Kenya this summer to bring her ideas to life. Read more about Clare and her project at Laker Pioneer.

YES Alumni Teaches Students About Solar Energy in India

An AFS-USA hosted YES Student, Chintan Mehta, wrote a blog post about how his study abroad volunteer experiences in the U.S. inspired him to create a community service project in his home country. In 2017, Chintan started Project EduSol with funds from the 2017 YES Alumni Grant. Through Project Edusol, Chintan taught students about solar electricity and how it works. Read more about Chintan and his volunteer project at YES Stories.

Hosting in Rocky River, Ohio

A local Ohio publication interviewed Jack Seelie, an AFS Host Family, and Christina Kowalski, a Team Development Specialist, who have been recruiting Host Families in their community. Jack and Christina spoke about AFS-USA and talked about their firsthand experiences hosting exchange students. Read more at