AFS in the Media

AFS in the Media

Student Spends Last Year of High School in the Philippines

A local New Jersey publication profiled Colin Vega, an AFS Returnee, who recently returned from studying abroad in the Philippines and will soon attend Princeton University this fall. The article described differing cultural experiences Colin had while he was living and going to school in Luzon, Philippines. Read more about Colin and his experiences abroad at MyVeronaNJ.

An AFS-Filled Wedding

The Turcer family is a family of AFSers. Jody Turcer and her sister studied abroad with AFS, Jody’s daughter, Courtney, also studied abroad with AFS, and the family has hosted many exchange students throughout the years. When Courtney got married earlier this month, six of her host siblings stood by her side on her wedding day. Read more about Courtney Turcer’s AFS-filled wedding at The Daily News.

AFSNext Mentioned in The Seattle Times

Travel writer and television host, Rick Steves, mentioned AFSNext in a list of recommended nonprofit-hosted cultural tours for adults. Read more at The Seattle Times.