AFS in the Media

AFS in the Media

AFS has been highlighted in the media in the past few weeks – check out these great stories!

Meet Yigithan, AFS Exchange Student from Turkey

Yigithan is a high school exchange student from Turkey currently living with a host family in Connecticut. In this installment of the West Hartfordite’s ongoing series, which profiles AFS Exchange Students and their host families, Yigithan (pronounced “yeet-HAN”) describes his interest in coming to the United States, his adjustment to life in an American suburb, and more. Read the rest of the interview in the West Hardfordite (WeHa).

Cooking on live TV with an AFS Exchange Student

On CBS’s Pittsburgh Today Live, AFS host parents Bill and Kathy Fuller appeared with Miks, their exchange student from Latvia. They talked about the benefits and joys of hosting, and Bill—a chef who was named Restaurateur of the Year by Pittsburgh Magazine—cooked up some borscht, an iconic Eastern European stew. Watch the whole segment at CBS Pittsburgh.

AFS Returnee’s Art Portrays Close Bond with Malaysian Host Family

As a 16-year-old exchange student, Emily Kearns found herself in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, hosted by a family with an entirely different culture and set of customs. Forty years later, Kearns and her family have a deep relationship that served as the inspiration for Kearns’ multimedia art installation, which was on display in September at the Merrimack College campus. Read the entire article at the Boston Globe.

AFS Host Family and their Exchange Student Connect Over Culture

AFS Student Ezgi and her host family in Illinois are enjoying their time together. Ezgi is not the Carey family’s first exchange student, but that doesn’t diminish the joy of getting to learn about Turkish culture and traditions. “The exchange has also allowed Ezgi to get more in touch with her own culture while sharing it with others.” Listen and read at Northern Public Radio.