AFS Project: Change Contest 2017-18 is now open!

AFS Project: Change Contest 2017-18 is now open!

The Project: Change scholarship contest is back for its 4th year!

Below is a refresher/introduction to the contest AND a list of changes in how it will be implemented this year.

Project: Change is a scholarship contest for 8th-12th graders that asks, “What change would you make in the world?” Students can submit their original idea for a two-week volunteer project that could take place in select countries and that addresses one of 5 global issues. They have friends and family vote for their idea, and the top 200 vote-getters are then judged based on feasibility, creativity, and entry quality. The grand-prize winner is awarded a full scholarship for a 10-15-day Global Prep summer program that is custom-designed around their specific volunteer idea, and additional winners are given full scholarships to also participate in the program.

Key dates:

  • Contest opens for submissions: September 21st
  • Submission period closes: December 18th
  • Voting opens: December 19th
  • Voting closes: January 10th
  • Winners announced: 2nd week of February

*exact dates are subject to change.

Key details, with changes for this year:

  • All U.S. 8th to 12th grade students are eligible to enter.
  • CHANGE: There will be one grand prize winner, and 4 additional students will receive full scholarships to participate in the winning program.
  • CHANGE: Destinations include: Colombia, Egypt, Guatemala, Hungary, India, Kenya, New Zealand. Issue areas remain the same: Education, Hunger & Nutrition, Sustainability, Human Rights & Cultural Understanding, and Arts & Technology
  • CHANGE: After the winning project is selected, the program will be opened to the public to apply, just like any other AFS Global Prep program.

How can I use Project: Change to help promote AFS?

  • For getting into schools:
    • There is a Project: Change module in the School Presentation that encourages students to think critically about the change they can make in the world.
    • Free lesson plans are available for educators to bring the contest into their own curricula – something we see happening more and more each year.
    • The “inspiration center” includes resources on all countries and issue areas, and is a great tool for students to learn more about contemporary global issues.
  • For inspiring students to go abroad:
    • Project: Change resonates with the growing interest among “Gen Zers” in change-making (teenagers are searching for these opportunities more than any generation before them). The contest helps position AFS as a leader in volunteer abroad opportunities, with a unique ability to work with locals to create a lasting impact.
    • Many students learn about AFS through Project: Change, then go on to apply to paid-programs. It’s a great entry-point to all of our programs, and especially Global Prep.

For complete information, FAQs, and more please visit