AFS Students meet with Alaska Governor

AFS Students meet with Alaska Governor

AFS Exchange Students in the Alaska Area Team had the great opportunity of speaking with the governor of Alaska last week. In the meeting, Governor Walker answered questions from students Clara Nielsen from Denmark, Facundo Plencovich from Argentina, Francois Tricotteaux from France, and Giorgia Lozza from Italy. These students asked questions like why did he want to become governor, was he always interested in politics, what did he do for a living prior to becoming governor, and what does he hope to do for Alaska as governor.

The governor asked the students questions about where they were from and what surprised them the most about Alaska. He also shared that he spent a year studying abroad in Australia and New Zealand during college.

Governor Walker asked which schools the AFS students were attending and discussed how diverse schools are in Anchorage. In fact, Anchorage is a national leader in diversity, and there are over 100 languages spoken in the school district.

Also in attendance were Area Team Chair Christy Hedrick, Alaska TDS Julie Albert, and Mark Wiggin, current AFS Host Dad and the initiator of the meeting.

Images are Courtesy of the State of Alaska Governor’s Office