AFS-USA Students Featured in Documentary, “The Smartest Kids In The World”

AFS-USA Students Featured in Documentary, “The Smartest Kids In The World”

It’s International Education Week! What better time than this to premiere a film about high school student exchange—that’s right, AFS-USA students are featured in a new documentary, ‘The Smartest Kids in the World,’ which premiered Sunday at 2018 DOC NYC—America’s largest documentary festival!  Years ago, AFS Exchange Students participated with author Amanda Ripley on her NYT Best- Selling book, ‘The Smartest Kids in the World,’ so it’s only natural that AFS Exchange Students be featured in the full-length documentary by award-winning documentary filmmaker Tracy Droz Tragos. AFS-USA worked with Tracy to find students to follow on their exchanges. ‘The Smartest Kids in the World’ chronicles the journey of four American teenagers who study abroad. It’s not yet in distribution as it’s being premiered at festivals, but we will let you know as soon as it is!

Thank you to all AFS Staff and Volunteers who worked on this documentary in so many ways and helped bring students’ stories to life!   For more information visit:

What a great way to celebrate International Education Week!