AFS-USA Summit Update for All Volunteers

AFS-USA Summit Update for All Volunteers

Dear AFS-USA Colleagues,

On behalf of the AFS-USA staff, I want to thank all of you who attended our first Volunteer Summit that was held in Cleveland and extend a special appreciation to all Cleveland area AFS Volunteers who hosted us so graciously. A personal highlight for me was attending the 60th Anniversary of AFS at Cleveland Heights High School, meeting their educators, students and parents, and having the great honor to spend time with WWII American Field Service Ambulance Driver, David K. Ford, who has been a very strong supporter of our work for many years. What a joy it was to be with you all!

All who attended as team representatives have made a commitment to sharing important information and providing ongoing opportunities for discussions with your AFS Volunteer team colleagues. However, I wanted to touch base here to ensure that every AFS Volunteer across our nation is aware that Strategic Plan 2.0 is underway and knows the six pillars, or areas, where we will focus our efforts.

In the months ahead, you will hear more about our Strategic Plan 2.0 and about the AFS worldwide Network’s Strategic Plan. It’s extremely important that our AFS-USA’s strategic priorities are aligned with our network’s strategies. This is critical because our vision is to ensure that we have a unified, global presence, where the contributions of AFS around the world are greater than the sum of our parts. This is what we mean when we say  ”One AFS.”

In addition to being aligned with our AFS Network Partners, our AFS-USA Strategic Planning process will be streamlined while still ensuring that we have a broad perspective. While Strategic Plan 1.0 was focused on internal improvements and changes such as MyAFS and our Organizational Development unit, and those will continue, Strategic Plan 2.0 will focus more on our external environment, placing priorities on where we can have the greatest IMPACT! 

For Strategic Plan 2.0, we are working closely with a talented Working Group of AFS Volunteer Leaders from the Board, National Council, and President’s Circle who receive support from a Driver Group that includes: Board Chair, Joan Siegel; Board Member, Bob Stableski; AFS-USA Chief Operating and Organizational Development Officer, Tara Hofmann, who is our Strategic Plan Project Leader; and me.

Here are the Six Strategic Pillars for AFS-USA Strategic Plan 2.0:

Pillar 1: Vetting – In Process                                                                                                                                      

We have selected and are working with a global consultant group who will work with us to identify market opportunities, top audiences (individuals, families, schools, etc.), and how to effectively reach them.

Pillar 2: Education

Pillar 3: Volunteering and Organizational Health

Pillar 4: Advocacy

Pillar 5: Organizational Profile

Pillar 6: Organizational Capacity and Operational Excellence

We look forward to informing you and including you in the process as we create a stronger, more diverse and inclusive AFS-USA that will have tremendous IMPACT here in the U.S. and around the world!

Thank you for all that you do every day on behalf of AFS-USA.

Warmest regards,
