All Remaining Host Students Now Nationally Available!

All Remaining Host Students Now Nationally Available!

There are approximately 30 more students who are eagerly waiting to begin their AFS program in the U.S.  All of them are now available to go anywhere in the country and you can read about them on the MyAFS Placements Widget under All Available.



Some of our great students still remaining include:

Meet Puripat, who goes by Pluem, a young man from Thailand who friends and family describe as friendly, helpful, and relaxed. He loves hanging out with his friends, kicking around a soccer ball, and going swimming. When he’s alone, he likes to practice guitar. On the weekends, Pluem’s family likes to have barbecues and go to the beach. He says he’s not a good cook but is a good taster! In school, Pluem is a dedicated student who tutors other students in his favorite subject, math. He thinks he would like to be a doctor when he is older because it is one job our lives depend on to cure people from disease.

Deniz loves school and especially enjoys languages, music, and math. He spends his free time playing his electric bass and acoustic guitars and he often helps take care of the cats his father cares for as a vet. Deniz says music teaches him about enjoying life. He loves to listen to all kinds of music: Rock, Jazz, Funk, Blues Pop, as well as Turkish and Anatolian Rock. His aim is to become a software engineer and continue with his bass guitar. He looks forward to this cultural experience during which he will see how people his age live in another country and what they expect from life.

Do you know a family who would make space in their homes and hearts for one of our students?  Learn more about them today!