Celebrate Exchange Day and Promote Hosting Opportunities! 

Celebrate Exchange Day and Promote Hosting Opportunities! 

Happy Exchange Day! We’re encouraging our community to participate in the Alliance for International Exchange’s campaign today by promoting the power of intercultural exchange and raising awareness about the long-lasting benefits of our programs.  

In celebration of Exchange Day, we are offering free, limited edition AFS Sponsored Programs dry-fit t-shirts. In exchange (pun intended!), can you help us promote hosting in the following three ways? 

  1. Post about Exchange Day on social media. Use a photo that highlights your experience with AFS and encourage people to host one of the remaining students who do not yet have a host family for this academic year. Use #ExchangeDay2024, #ExchangesImpact, and #CelebrateExchangeDay when posting. You can also reshare the posts from the AFS-USA national Facebook or Instagram pages! 
  1. Share student bios on social media or via text with anyone who might be interested in hosting. 
  1. Talk to your family or people in your community face to face or over the phone about hosting and refer them here.   

Once complete, please fill out this survey and we will mail you your shirt. We have 100 shirts on a first come, first served basis so we encourage you to act quickly after completing the above!  

Thank you for your efforts to give our incoming AFS students a life-changing opportunity.