AFS Chappaqua Project: Volunteer Survey and Update

AFS Chappaqua Project: Volunteer Survey and Update

We are writing today to share an update on the progress of The Chappaqua Project since the 2017 AFS-USA National Volunteer Assembly (NVA) in April. Chappaqua is the project name for AFS-USA’s dedicated efforts and investment in strengthening the volunteer organization, and it includes a variety of initiatives.

At the NVA, under the Chappaqua umbrella, the Organizational Development (OD) effort was launched and we introduced five OD building blocks designed to strengthen our volunteer teams and enhance the volunteer experience. We also launched MyAFS, an online tool for AFS-USA Volunteers and the first major OD deliverable. MyAFS is the central hub where you can find information about your team and complete common tasks quickly and easily. In recent months, we’ve continued to rollout new features for MyAFS, including MyAFS News to help you stay informed about all things AFS, and the Help & Learning module where you can access trainings and resources.

Much of this work has been shaped by insights from the Volunteer Survey that we conducted last year. It’s that time again, and we’re asking all volunteers to complete this year’s survey by December 8th, 2017. Your feedback is valued and appreciated, and most importantly, the data you provide will help us determine our 2018 priorities.

There is a survey invitation from via Survey Monkey in your inbox. If you do not see the email, please contact Julie Ball at The previous survey link has been disabled, so you must access the survey via email.

Your input will also inform the customized team planning site that has been created for each Area Team as part of the Chappaqua project. Each site houses trends and data reflecting individual team activity, making it a great resource for planning.

With so much going on and so many exciting new resources available to our Volunteers, we encourage you to stay up-to-date by reading MyAFS News. Going forward, all Chappaqua messages will be posted here and searchable using the tag “Chappaqua Project.” Additionally, we strongly encourage you to participate in one of the MyAFS Webinars offered monthly to help you make the most of the tools and resources available. Even if you’ve already participated in one or more webinars (thank you), keep in mind that these sessions will be helpful as we continue to roll out new features.

Thank you for your cooperation and your continued work in support of our mission to build a more just and peaceful world. We look forward to your survey input, and we encourage you to send questions or comments to



Tara Hofmann and Mary Porterfield
Chappaqua Project Co-Chairs


Index of Chappaqua Resources

MyAFS News: This is your central hub for information about all things AFS. You can scroll through the news feed to see real-time updates, and a bi-monthly news digest is now being sent to your inbox. Be sure to look out for this helpful digest!

Help & Learning: This is where you can find training resources, reference materials, and other helpful content needed to support your work and meet your team goals. NOTE: All relevant content from the AFS Wiki has now been migrated to Help & Learning, giving you everything you need in one place.

Webinars for Volunteers: The MyAFS Team has been offering webinars to help volunteers make the most of MyAFS tools and resources. If you haven’t already, sign up for a future webinar at:

Area Team Planning Site: Each Area Team now has a customized team planning site to help track progress and impact in key areas. Sites display trends and data on individual team activity in a concise, easy-to-read format, making it a great resource for planning and assessment.