Clarification on Host Family Interview Form

Clarification on Host Family Interview Form

The J-1 visa regulations require that anyone living in the home be interviewed in person. While AFS permits follow-up with a family member not present in the interview to occur over the phone, this allowance was made specifically for family members away at the time of the interview and who would not be returning prior to the student’s arrival (i.e. siblings away at college, family members deployed overseas), with the intention that that family member would be interviewed in person once returned. A host parent not present during the interview but who will be in the home when the student arrives must have a follow-up interview conducted in-person (although not necessarily in the home). While this has always been our policy, it’s become clear that the guidance on the Host Family Interview form is somewhat misleading and has led to confusion for both staff and volunteers on the appropriate conditions for addenda. Therefore the language on the form has been updated to more accurately reflect this policy (please see the attached image).

We thank you for you hard work and collaboration in ensuring our host families are screened compliantly!