Clarification on Restricted Activities for Hosted Pax

Clarification on Restricted Activities for Hosted Pax

Support staff have received many inquiries about a Facebook post that said AFS participants are restricted from certain activities due to a change in the AFS Participant Medical Plan. We would like to offer clarification and hopefully ease some concerns.

The underwriter for the AFS participant medical plan changed in January 2018, but this has had very little impact on the policy and coverage for our participants. They will still be able to participate in school sports and other physical activities as long as they have the blanket Activity Waiver, and in some cases a supplemental Activity Waiver, signed by their natural parents.

A participant’s natural parents are able to note restricted activities for their own child on the Activity Waiver. There are also certain restrictions made by the Medical Plan, which apply to all participants, including:

  • Professional athletics
  • Hang gliding, Paragliding or Parachuting
  • Military training exercises (includes ROTC activities)
  • Piloting or serving as a crew member in any aircraft
  • Passenger in a non-commercial aircraft unless it’s for regular transportation

For more information on Activity Waivers, please see

For more on Medical Issues and the AFS Participant Medical Plan, please see

Please reach out to your Participant Support Specialist or call 1-800-237-4636, extension 9, if you have any questions.

AFS-USA Participant Support Department