Community Placing of Hosted Students Starts March 5 & 6

Community Placing of Hosted Students Starts March 5 & 6

As outlined in the 2019 Hosting Application Distribution Process, teams may start Community Placing (CPing) Regionally Available students on March 5 & 6, if they so choose.

New this year: The start day and time of CPing depends on your gateway.  We have split the start over two days to reduce the likelihood of Global Link crashing.

March 5th: Washington DC, Chicago, and Seattle gateways
March 6th: New York, Minneapolis, Dallas, and Los Angeles gateways

  • CPing will start at 7pm in the Gateway City. CP requests made before 7pm in the Gateway City will be rejected.  A clock will appear in Global Link starting on March 5th to know what the Global Link time is.
    • New York & Washington DC Gateways – CPing starts at 7pm EST (will show as 7pm in Global Link)
    • Chicago,  Minneapolis & Dallas – CPing starts at 7pm CST (will show as 8pm in Global Link)
    • Seattle & Los Angeles Gateways – CPing starts at 7pm PST (will show as 10pm in Global Link)
  • No teams are required to start CPing students at these times, but teams will be required to place + CP up to their goals by June 6th

Which Students are Eligible for Community Placement

  • Only Regionally Available students are eligible for CPing.  YES, CB, and Nationally Available (National Viewable) students can NOT be CPd at this time.  In fact, Global Link will not allow a CP request to be entered for students ineligible for CPing.  And because more and more students are starting in Nationally Available, there may be fewer students available for CPing on March 5th & 6th than some may like.  New this year: students must be in circulation for two weeks before they become eligible to CP.

How can I know which students are available for CPing?

  • You can see a full list of eligible students by choosing your Gateway Region in Global Link and searching for both Regionally Available and Area Team Hold students AND entering a filter “Placement Level is not equal to National Available” (note that is “National” not “Nationally” Available):
  • New this year: Teams can only CP up to 50% of their students at a time.  Thus, if your team goal is 50, you can only have 25 students CPd at any one time.  Note: School Placed and Area Team Assigned students count the same as Community Placed students in these numbers. So in this example CP+ATA+School Placed must equal 25 or less at least until June 1st.
  • As your team selects students to CP, TDSs are responsible for monitoring that their teams comply to the individual team goals around the number of students to take from the following countries: China, Germany, Italy, Japan, Norway, and Thailand, plus Sponsored Programs students, as well as a fair number of boys and girls and students who are more challenging to place (pet allergies, food restrictions, etc). If you are not sure how many students from those 6 countries your team should be working to place, please contact your TDS.

A few other reminders:

  • If your Team has a student on Hold when CPing begins, this gives your Team no advantage in CPing.
  • Once a student is Community Placed, s/he cannot be moved back to Regionally Available except on May 23rd, aka Amnesty Day
  • A Community Placed student cannot be put on Hold.  This is because Global Link will return the student to Regionally Available once the Hold expires.   Thus, if someone in your team wants to show a CPd student, the volunteers in the team will need to communicate this amongst themselves.

If you have questions about any of the above, please reference the Hosting Application Distribution Process or contact your TDS.