Compliance Spring Newsletter

Compliance Spring Newsletter

We hope this message finds you well as we enter May and the NH23 cycle enters its final months of the program. As some of you may already know, Compliance staff send out a quarterly newsletter to all Compliance Coordinators. We’re excited to share with you our latest edition, filled with updates, highlights, and opportunities to get involved. We encourage you to take a moment to catch up on the latest Compliance priorities and provide feedback & insights. Thank you for your commitment to AFS from the Compliance Team!

Spring 2024 Priorities

Finishing strong and looking ahead! 

As we move into the final months of program, it is as important as ever to be in regular contact with your liaisons. Especially as we will be receiving the list of students selected for the NH23 Department of State Audit in July 2024, making it imperative that contacts and visits are logged and up to date prior to students’ end of program.

Spring Semester requirements to keep an eye on:

  • Both student and host family monthly contacts are required for the student’s last month of program, even if they are departing early in the month.
  • Host families must also be seen in person (in the home not necessary) during the spring semester prior to their student’s departure.
  • For semester students or students who have moved host families recently, please ensure they have a compliant 30-60 Day In-Home Visit logged.

Team Spotlight

Hard work pays off!

In our next newsletter we’ll be spotlighting teams that finished the year at 100% compliance. What can you do today to make sure your team is on that list? Getting featured in our newsletter is not only a fantastic way to share your accomplishments with your team but also a chance to inspire other teams and foster similar results across AFS-USA!

Contacts & Visits Widget Poll

Let us know!

We want your feedback! Please take the time to complete this poll, regarding our ongoing revamp of the Contacts & Visits Widget on MyAFS. Please complete by May 31st, 2024.

Speaking with Liaisons

Having difficult conversations… 

As the end of the program cycle nears, now is the time to assess how your team did with contacts & visits overall and plan what you may do differently next cycle. This may include conversations with liaisons who were not able to complete all contacts & visits as required and didn’t arrange for someone else to do so in their place. We’d like to share this resource, Managing Difficult Conversations with Liaisons, that provides guidance on how to handle this conversations, now or at any point in the cycle.

Compliance Advisory Group

Join the CAG!

CAG, the Compliance Advisory Group, is looking for volunteers to join the team! For more information about the CAG, please click here. The group includes volunteers from across the country representing their area teams who bring different perspectives on achieving compliance. Volunteers are asked to commit to be an active member for minimum of one year, renewable up to four years. The CAG meets on the first Wednesday of each month in the evening, and group members often work on projects with staff outside of the monthly meeting. Please consider sharing your experience, perspective and love of AFS with the CAG team. For more information please fill out the interest form.

Compliance Coordinator Toolkit

Check it out!

Log Contacts & Visits

What would you like to see included in future newsletters?


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AFS-USA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.