Criminal Background Checks Minimum Age Changes to 17

Criminal Background Checks Minimum Age Changes to 17

We are changing the minimum age for host family background checks from 18 years old to 17 years old in all states except California in an effort to reduce staff workload, improve the host family experience and increase compliance with the related Department of State regulation. This change goes into effect this week.


The Department of State J-1 visa regulations require us to obtain a background check on household members that turn 18 during the time that the family is hosting. From a staff perspective, the follow up is time consuming and sometimes results in non-compliance. From the host family perspective, many express frustration at yet an additional request from AFS and sometimes choose not to meet the requirement, which results in the AFS student being moved from the home.


With this new process, the applicant will submit the background check at 17 years old and then RMCQA staff will resubmit  the background check on their behalf once the household member turns 18. We are able to resubmit the background check because we have an evergreen consent within the background check authorization that grants AFS permission to resubmit the background check for the duration of their involvement with the organization.


California does not allow for AFS to rescreen a person without obtaining their permission each time so we cannot use the evergreen consent in this state and for that reason, the existing process will remain in place for California (minimum age requirement for CBC will remain 18 years old, reminder email sent two weeks prior to birthday, email sent on 18th birthday requesting household member to initiate the background check process, staff follow up with household member to encourage them to submit the CBC immediately).