Diversity Initiatives and Scholarships December Update

Diversity Initiatives and Scholarships December Update

“Featured” National Scholarships –  BP Global STEM Academies

BP Global STEM Academies provides approximately 100 Students from more than 10 international countries residing around the world with demonstrated strengths in academics, an interest in science, technology, engineering, math, and a desire to study abroad will be awarded full scholarships to attend the STEM Academies located in Brazil, Egypt.

To learn more visit https://www.afsusa.org/study-abroad/scholarships/bp/stem-academy

To learn about all AFS-USA scholarship and fundraising opportunities, go to www.afsusa.org/studyabroad/scholarships

Local Scholarships

Across the country, several AFS area teams offer local scholarships for deserving AFS students in their area. On behalf of the Scholarships and Diversity Initiatives Team, we’d like to thank you for your hard work and dedication to provide AFS students with additional funding opportunities to make study abroad a reality.

Are you considering launching a local area team scholarship? Check out the Bonnie Jernigan Memorial Scholarship for students from the Massachusetts Bay Area Team.

  • Merit and need-based scholarship
  • Awards will be up to $1,500 towards the AFS program fee
  • Deadline: Rolling basis

To learn more about launching a local scholarship, please contact Amy-Kiana Rendon Patel at arendon@afsusa.org

Scholarships 101 Webinar: Learn the Basics

In Mid-November, the Scholarships and Diversity Initiatives Team hosted our first of three-webinar series called Scholarships 101: Learn the Basics. The live webinar offered volunteers and staff a detailed overview of AFS-USA’s national scholarships and fundraising opportunities for U.S. students interested in studying abroad.  If you didn’t get a chance to attend the webinar or would like a refresher, click here to access the recording.

The recordings for Scholarships 102: Developing a Local Scholarship and Scholarships 103: Exploring the benefits of recruiting diverse students, will be available in early January 2019!