“Do one thing” for host family recruitment!

“Do one thing” for host family recruitment!

Across the country, AFS Volunteers like you are getting the word out about the opportunity to host an exchange student this fall.

We’re launching an interactive campaign today to help spark a greater local interest in hosting. Each day, we’ll share a resource or idea designed to assist your Area Team’s host family recruitment effort, along with an instructional video to help you make the most of it.

Today, highlight a local hosting story! Find an AFS Reel Life contest entry from your area or state, and then post it on social media.

Your post will help illuminate a hosting story while also supporting a host family’s efforts to advance in the contest. (One family will receive a trip to Orlando, FL with their exchange student, so the stakes are high!)

Thanks for joining in on this mini-campaign. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s resource!

Questions about anything we shared today? Let us know at marketing@afsusa.org.