Drumbeat: Customize and print hosting flyers!

Drumbeat: Customize and print hosting flyers!

We hope you’re enjoying the “10 for 10 Challenge,” a series of fun daily activities to help you reach out to new families about hosting. Our goal is to find 10 host families a day for 10 days straight—and volunteers like you are the ones who can make it happen. Yesterday was our Day 1 kick-off, and we’ve already found 9 new host families!

For this week’s Drumbeat, join us for Day 2’s challenge by downloading a hosting flyer, printing as many copies as you want, and hanging them around town!

Download the flyer here.

(Want to do something extra? Visit DesignShop to customize a flyer with your team’s local contact information.)

P.S. We’ll be sending out an email with a quick and easy activity for you to complete each day, so keep an eye out for the “10 for 10 Challenge” in your inbox!