Drumbeat: Families share their reasons for hosting

Drumbeat: Families share their reasons for hosting

Families decide to host an AFS Exchange Student for lots of reasons, from learning about another country to building bridges of understanding between cultures. This new video shows some of the many reasons given by host families who have opened their hearts and their homes to high schoolers from around the world. Share this Facebook post to help encourage potential host families to take the leap and join in the adventure!

Share on Facebook: Highlight and copy one of the sample captions below, then click “Go to post,” then “Share,” and then paste your caption.

Sample Caption 1: Send me a message or comment on this post if you’re curious about hosting an international student for anywhere from 6-12 weeks to a full school year!

Sample Caption 2: [StudentName] from [Country] is one of the international students coming to [your area] this fall. [He/she] likes [insert details from student bio] and can’t wait to learn about American culture and get matched with a host family. Message me for more info!

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