Drumbeat: Meet Mahmoud from Egypt and Kunping from China!

Drumbeat: Meet Mahmoud from Egypt and Kunping from China!

Read and share the below student biographies and audio introduction!
Meet Mahmoud from Egypt: 
Catch Mahmoud if you can! An avid bicyclist, you can find him zipping around on two wheels every day, and he has even gone on longer bike trips in excess of 300 km! A curious and studious young man, he’s interested in computer science, specifically artificial intelligence and robotics, and wants to be a programmer one day. A book worm, he’s recently gotten interested in the work of Dostoevsky. Mahmoud cares about improving his community and volunteers for a local nonprofit. He is excited to explore new activities, cultures, languages and foods while in the U.S. Arrival to HF community: Aug 8!
Meet Kunping from China:
Kunping is calm, responsible, and determined. His future goal is to become a game designer and start his own company, and he is currently studying programming to work toward that goal. His major interests are watching movies adapted from true stories, building models of vehicles from different countries, playing badminton, and playing video games. He is close to his family, especially his mom and grandparents, and enjoys their company. Kunping, through his school, has taken part in many volunteer activities and says this has enhanced his sense of social responsibility.