Drumbeat: Project: Change video highlights opportunities for students to volunteer abroad

Drumbeat: Project: Change video highlights opportunities for students to volunteer abroad

At AFS, the spirit of volunteerism is in our DNA. Now in its fourth year, the Project: Change contest asks U.S. students to carry on that tradition by proposing an idea for a volunteer project that could make an impact in one of seven countries. One Grand Prize winner and several additional winners will receive a full scholarship to go abroad this summer on a customized AFS Global Prep program!

To help spread the world about this unique contest, please share our new Project: Change video.

To inspire others with your caption, get personal! Tell your friends how volunteerism has made a difference in your life by answering one (or both!) of the following questions: Why is it important to be active in addressing issues you care about? What have you gained from volunteering?

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