End of Year Contacts and Visits

End of Year Contacts and Visits

As Departure Day approaches, please ensure you are completing your end of year contacts and visits before your assigned student goes home. Contacts and visits rates tend to dip at the end of the year and as we will be undergoing a Department of State Management Review (audit) for the entire NH18/SH19 cycle, it is critical that we finish off the year strong!

All students/host families need a contact during their last month on program, even if they are leaving early (i.e. a student departing June 4th needs a monthly contact for June) and all host families need to be seen in person in the spring semester. Take advantage of end-of-year events (farewell picnics, orientations, etc.) or any community gatherings (such as graduations) to meet with your students and host families and complete multiple requirements at once!