Enter Your Missing NH16/SH17 Contacts in MyAFS

Enter Your Missing NH16/SH17 Contacts in MyAFS

As of today, your assigned NH16/SH17 participants will no longer appear under the “My Assigned” tab in MyAFS. To enter an NH16/SH17 contact, you will need to either access your participant in the “All Participants” tab* or through Global Link. We encourage you to enter any missing contacts as soon as possible!

As a reminder, instructions for how to log a contact on MyAFS can be found in Help & Learning. Click here to learn more.

*Please note that students who were Early Returned or Program Released are removed from MyAFS 14 days after the partner country closes their service case; therefore depending on a student’s off-program date they may no longer appear under “All Participants” or “My Assigned.” These participants can still be found, and contacts entered for them, through Global Link. To access NH16 or SH17 participants in Global Link, make sure to select “All” as the Service Status.