Fast Facts for Study Abroad Programs in Austria, Sweden and Ghana

Fast Facts for Study Abroad Programs in Austria, Sweden and Ghana

To promote a few of our priority programs, Marketing is creating a series of fact sheets that highlight the details and benefits of studying abroad in some featured destinations. The third Sending “Sell Sheet” (below) focuses on the Austria, Sweden, and Ghana High School Programs.

You can use this resource as a reference when talking to students about opportunities to go abroad, or as a guide for helping applicants choose the program that’s right for them.

Marketing will be producing additional Sell Sheets over the next couple of months, so keep an eye out for updates in MyAFS News!

Austria High School

Recommend for students who are interested in learning German and exploring a country rich in art and music.

Fast facts:

  • Year or semester program
  • Program fee: $13,150-$16,000
  • Eligibility: current high school students

Scholarships available:

  • Global Leaders need-based scholarships

On this program, students will:

  • Attend a local high school and advance their German-language skills
  • Live with a host family, most likely in a suburban area
  • Experience full immersion in Austria’s sophisticated and vibrant culture

Highlights about life in Austria:

  • Explore the beautiful landscape of lush green fields and majestic, snow-capped mountains
  • Sample mouth-watering pastries while learning about world-class art, music, and history

Sweden High School

Recommended for students who want to experience another culture where many people are fluent in English.

Fast facts:

  • Year program
  • Program fee: $15,975
  • Eligibility: current high school students

Scholarships available:

  • Global Leaders need-based scholarships

On this program, students will:

  • Attend high school and learn about what it’s like to be a regular Swedish teenager
  • Live with a host family, most likely in the countryside
  • Take part in local traditions like winter sports and spring festivals

Highlights about life in Sweden:

  • Join in an egalitarian society that focuses on environmental conservation and renewable energy
  • Taste delicious foods at a smorgasbord, a Swedish buffet serving dishes like meatballs and salmon

Ghana High School

Ideal for students who are ready to step outside of their comfort zones and embrace a warm, vibrant culture.

Fast facts:

  • Year program
  • Program fee: $15,450
  • Eligibility: current high school students

Scholarships available:

  • Global Leaders need-based scholarships
  • Cultural Explorer merit scholarships
  • Kennedy-Lugar YES Abroad scholarships

On this program, students will:

  • Attend a local high school where classes are taught primarily in English
  • Learn about Ghanaian culture through dancing, playing games, and spending time with friends
  • Live with a host family, likely in the commercial and cultural capital of Accra

Highlights about life in Ghana:

  • Experience a culture that values taking the time to relax and enjoy life
  • Enjoy delicious, spicy food like fried plantains and red-red, a stew of black-eyes peas and tomatoes

Click here to download a printable version of the Austria, Sweden and Ghana fact sheet. You can also visit the school outreach tab in the field hub to download a PowerPoint slide for each of these programs (plus the programs featured in the first and second Sell Sheets).

We hope these Sell Sheets are useful during your school and community visits. Please reach out to if you have any questions.