Fast Facts for Study Abroad Programs in France, Germany, and China

Fast Facts for Study Abroad Programs in France, Germany, and China

Take the fast track to becoming a study abroad expert!

To highlight a few of AFS-USA’s priority programs, Marketing is producing a series of fact sheets that outline the details and benefits of select destinations. These Sending “Sell Sheets” can be used as a reference when talking to students about opportunities to go abroad, as well as a guide for helping applicants choose the program that’s right for them.

When presenting in schools, you can use this information by saying something like: “We have 120+ programs in over 50 destinations. One of my personal favorites is the China Summer Language and Culture Program, which…”

The first fact sheet (included below) includes the France High School program, Germany High School program, and China Summer Language and Culture program. We’ll be posting new Sell Sheets on MyAFS News every 2-3 weeks, which will highlight current priority programs.


France High School

Ideal for students who are passionate about culture and the arts, as well as advancing their language skills.

Fast facts:

  • Year or semester program
  • Program fee: $14,300-$15,800
  • Apply by Dec. 14, 2017
  • Eligibility: high school students who will be 17 years and 9 months or younger upon arrival

Scholarships available:

  • Global Leaders need-based scholarships

On this program, students will:

  • Attend a local high school and experience full immersion in French culture
  • Develop their French language skills through daily interactions
  • Live with a host family, most likely in the scenic countryside

Highlights about life in France:

  • Discover a rich culture of iconic art, influential thinkers, and ornate architecture
  • Try mouth-watering crepes of every variety and some delicious frites(French fries)


Germany High School

Recommended for intellectually curious students who want to explore Germany’s rich history and language.

Fast facts:

  • Year or semester program
  • Program fee: $13,300-$15,800
  • Apply by Dec. 14, 2017
  • Eligibility: current high school students and recent graduates

Scholarships available:

  • Global Leaders need-based scholarships
  • CBYX U.S. Department of State scholarship

On this program, students will:

  • Attend a local high school and experience life as a regular German teenager
  • Live with a host family, likely in a small town or rural area
  • Learn the language by practicing with friends or chatting with their host family

Highlights about life in Germany:

  • Join in an environmentally-conscious culture that emphasizes sustainability and conservation
  • Explore Germany’s scenic landscape, ranging from flat fields to the majestic Alps


China Language and Culture

Ideal for students interested in short-term cultural immersion and developing skills in a strategic global language.

Fast facts:

  • 4 week summer program
  • Program fee: $8,650
  • Apply by Feb. 1, 2018
  • Eligibility: current high school students and recent graduates

Scholarships available:

  • Global Leaders need-based scholarships
  • NSLI-Y U.S. Department of State scholarship

On this program, students will:

  • Take language classes for a total of 45 hours, focusing on learning practical Mandarin phrases
  • Live with a host family and engage with Chinese culture
  • Join in traditional activities like calligraphy, painting, and martial arts

Highlights about life in China:

  • Experience ancient and modern culture, from historic temples to sleek skyscrapers
  • Try delicious food likejiaozi (dumplings with pork, chives, and onions) and Mongolian hotpot


Click here to download a printable version of the France, Germany, and China fact sheet. You can also visit the school outreach tab in the field hub to download a PowerPoint slide for each of these programs.

We hope these prove helpful during your school and community visits. Please contact with any questions.