Fast Facts for Study Abroad Programs in Italy, Spain, and Costa Rica

Fast Facts for Study Abroad Programs in Italy, Spain, and Costa Rica

To promote a few of our priority programs, Marketing is creating a series of fact sheets that highlight the details and benefits of studying abroad in some featured destinations. The second Sending “Sell Sheet” (below) focuses on the Italy High School Program, the Spain High School Program, and the Costa Rica Summer Community Service program.

You can use this resource as a reference when talking to students about opportunities to go abroad, as well as a guide for helping applicants choose the program that’s right for them.

Marketing will be producing additional Sell Sheets over the next couple of months, so keep an eye out for updates in MyAFS News!


Italy High School

Recommended for students who are interested in history, art, and joining in a family-oriented culture.

Fast facts:

  • Year program departs in the fall; semester program departs in the spring
  • Program fee: $15,800 for year program, semester fee pending
  • Eligibility: current high school students and recent graduates

Scholarships available:

  • Global Leaders need-based scholarships
  • Viaggio Italiano scholarship ($2000)

On this program, students will:

  • Live with a host family and experience warm Italian hospitality
  • Attend a local high school that focuses on linguistics, art, or a more traditional curriculum (like in the U.S.)
  • Develop their language skills and learn the ins-and-outs of everyday Italian life

Highlights about life in Italy:

  • Explore the snow-capped Alps, Roman ruins, and picturesque coastal towns
  • Linger over rich, home-cooked meals and sample the world’s best gelato


Spain High School

Ideal for students who want to advance their Spanish and experience a vibrant blend of cultures.

Fast facts:

  • Year program departs in the fall; semester program departs in the spring
  • Program fee: $15,800 for year program, semester fee pending
  • Eligibility: current high school students and recent graduates

Scholarships available:

  • Global Leaders need-based scholarships

On this program, students will:

  • Attend a local high school and be totally integrated into Spanish culture
  • Live with a host family, usually in an urban or suburban area
  • Advance their language skills, likely in Spanish but potentially Catalan or Basque.

Highlights about life in Spain:

  • Make the most of life in a culture known for both the celebratory fiesta and relaxing siesta
  • Taste delicious food like traditional Spanish tapas or fresh churros dipped in chocolate


 Costa Rica Summer Community Service

Ideal for adventurous students looking to make a difference in sustainability and community development.

Fast facts:

  • 4-week summer program
  • Program fee: $7,950
  • Eligibility: current high school students and recent graduates

Scholarships available:

  • Vaya a America Latina scholarship ($2000)

On this program, students will:

  • Volunteer at local schools, wildlife preserves, and sustainable farms
  • Live with a host family to practice their Spanish and become a true part of the community
  • Travel around the country, trekking through the rainforest and visiting white-sand beaches

Highlights about life in Costa Rica:

  • Enjoy the tropical climate and take in the vibrant natural beauty of mountains, beaches, and cloud forests
  • Experience the friendly, easygoing Tico (Costa Rican) lifestyle


Click here to download a printable version of the Italy, Spain, and Costa Rica fact sheet. You can also visit the school outreach tab in the field hub to download a PowerPoint slide for each of these programs (plus the programs featured in the first Sell Sheet).

We hope these Sell Sheets are useful during your school and community visits. Please reach out to if you have any questions.