Fast Facts for Summer Programs in Spain and Italy

Fast Facts for Summer Programs in Spain and Italy

As many students are now finalizing their plans for the summer, Marketing has created new resources to help volunteers promote select AFS summer programs. This Sending fact sheet (below) highlights some fun insights, benefits, and details about studying abroad for 2-3 weeks or 4-8 weeks in Spain and Italy.

You can use the following information as a reference when talking to students about opportunities to go abroad, or as a guide for helping applicants choose the program that’s right for them.

Marketing is working on providing more resources to help volunteers promote priority programs, so keep an eye out for additional fact sheets over the next few weeks!

Spain Summer Programs

Ideal for students who are interested in short-term Spanish immersion in a beautiful, historic destination.

Highlights about life in Spain:

  • Take a step back and enjoy life, a practice that’s reflected in the traditional mid-day siesta
  • Fill up on delicious tapas (small plates or appetizers) or indulge in churros dipped in warm chocolate

Scholarships available:

  • Global Leaders need-based scholarships

Spain Global Prep

Fast facts

  • Two-week summer program
  • Program fee: $4,250
  • Eligibility: students ages 13-18

On this program, students will:

  • Advance their Spanish by taking language classes and living with a host family in the city of Valladolid
  • Volunteer in the Roma community and explore cultural sites like castles, palaces, and ruins

Spain Summer Language

Fast facts

  • Four-week summer program
  • Program fee: $8,650
  • Eligibility: current high school students and recent graduates

On this program, students will:

  • Advance their Spanish with formal language lessons and first-hand cultural experience
  • Live on a high school campus in the South of Spain that’s just a five-minute walk from the beach 

Italy Summer Programs

Recommended for creative students who are looking for immersion in Italian language, art, and culture.

Highlights about life in Italy:

  • Soak up the vibrant history of Roman ruins, medieval castles, and Renaissance paintings
  • Chow down on hearty homemade pasta and rich desserts like tiramisu or pastries with powdered sugar

Scholarships available:

  • Global Leaders need-based scholarships

Italy Summer Homestay

Fast facts

  • Five-week summer program
  • Program fee: $8,650
  • Eligibility: current high school students and recent graduates

On this program, students will:

  • Take language classes interspersed with activities related to music, cuisine, art, and culture
  • Live with a local host family and experience what it’s like to be a regular Italian teenager

Italy Summer Art

Fast facts

  • Five-week summer program
  • Program fee: $9,200
  • Eligibility: current high school students and recent graduates

On this program, students will:

  • Study sculpture, drawing and photography (beginners welcome!) in sun-drenched Tuscany
  • Take Italian classes and practice what they learn around the dinner table with their host family


Click here to download a printable version of the Spain and Italy fact sheet. You can also visit the school outreach tab in the field hub to download a PowerPoint slide for each of these programs (plus the programs featured in previous fact sheets) to include in your school presentations.

Please reach out to if you have any questions!