Getting to Know Japan: Current Resources & Upcoming Materials!

Getting to Know Japan: Current Resources & Upcoming Materials!

Did you know in Japan, space is greatly valued, and square watermelons have been grown to increase space efficiency? Pretty interesting, right?

To learn more fun facts about Japanese life and culture check out our Japan host country profile. Here are some additional resources you can use to promote students from Japan:

  • Use this flyer to share information on Japanese culture, family dynamics, communication styles, and food.
  • Next week, look for a social media post on the AFS-USA Facebook page that you can share on your own account.
  • Use one of our customizable email templates to reach out to families who may be interested in hosting a Japanese student.
  • Additional resources and activity suggestions to promote hosting a student from Japan will be emailed to hosting volunteers on Monday, February 24 – email if you are not a hosting volunteer but would like to be included on this message!