Greetings from your AFS-USA National Council!

Greetings from your AFS-USA National Council!

Greetings from your AFS-USA National Council!

The National Council is beyond grateful for our many extraordinary volunteers who support the AFS Mission of cultural exchange and understanding each and every year.  

In 2019, as part of the new organization and direction of the National Council, the National Council Communications Committee was formed to support and encourage dialogue between the National Council and AFS-USA volunteers.  

With the New Year, the Communications Committee has plans to better communicate the work of the National Council with all volunteers. To kick things off, each month, the Communications Committee will publish a short MyAFS News article highlighting the work – either in progress or recently completed — of one of the National Council groups or committees.

Watch your MyAFS News for the February highlight!

Why should volunteers care about the work of the National Council? 

Because the National Council, made up of both volunteers and staff, infuses the voice of the AFS Volunteer across the many aspects of our programs — collaborating, informing, and advising senior staff with a focus on advancing and achieving our organizational goals. If you have questions for the National Council and the work they do, please contact us at

 Are you interested in learning more about volunteer opportunities at the national level?  Visit the ‘Introduction to National Volunteer Opportunities’ page on MyAFS Help & Learning.