Honoring AFS-USA Volunteer John McNamara

Honoring AFS-USA Volunteer John McNamara

Dear AFS-USA Volunteers,

This past Friday, we were deeply saddened and shocked to learn of the horrific shooting at the Capital Gazette newspaper. Soon after, we were stunned to learn that one of the victims, John McNamara, was the husband of Andrea Chamblee, an AFS-USA Volunteer Liaison in our Capital Area Team. Together, John and Andrea were also former AFS Host Parents who welcomed students into their lives and their community.

In an article in The Washington Post, Andrea shared memories of her husband, a journalist for more than 20 years, describing him as someone who was “fiercely devoted to his family and friends.”

While I did not know John personally, it is clear by the articles I have read about him that he was loved by many people, and will be very much missed. Our hearts are with Andrea, and the Capital Area Team community of volunteers and host families. We are so sorry for your loss.

Please keep Andrea Chamblee and the families of the Capital Gazette newspaper victims in your thoughts. Thank you for everything you do every day to build a more just and peaceful world.

Warm Regards,

Jorge Castro
President, AFS-USA