Hosting Application Process Phase 2 Begins on February 20th

Hosting Application Process Phase 2 Begins on February 20th

We are pleased to let you know that additional details about the new Hosting Distribution Process (as announced in December) are available on Help & Learning here: Hosting Application Distribution Process.

Some key highlights:

  • Starting on February 20th, non-sponsored programs students will be linked directly to teams as Area Team Available. New students will be linked on Mondays and Thursdays through April (or until all applications are received). Volunteers can put these students on Family Hold when showing a student to a specific family in their team.
  • Sponsored Programs (SP) students (YES, Flex, and CB) are and will continue to be put into Regionally Available status as their applications become available.
  • In May, teams will participate in drafts to choose their final pool of students.
  • Hosting volunteers will be able to write and tweak hosted student bios to promote students locally. Bio writing training will held on the following dates and times and further information will be available in Help & Learning soon. Register for training today! ALL volunteers are encouraged to attend.

Option 1: Wednesday, February 19th at 8pm E/5pm P.  Register here.

Option 2: Friday, February 21st at 1:30pm E/10:30am P.  Register here.

Option 3: Monday, February 24th at 4pm E/1pm P.  Register here.

(After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.)

Please don’t hesitate to ask your Hosting Programs Specialist (HPS) or Sponsored Programs Hosting Specialist (SPHS) if you have questions after reviewing the details and Frequently Asked Questions.  And thank you for all you are doing to help find families for our amazing AFSers!