Hosting Updates in Global Link and MyAFS

Hosting Updates in Global Link and MyAFS

We are making some changes in Global Link, based in part on requests from the Fall 2017 volunteer hosting surveys. These changes should make it easier to market our incoming hosted students to potential host families. A summary of the changes is below:

  • The “About Me” information in the student “Get to Know” section has been updated so that pet or medical restrictions, allergies, and other placement details will only appear in the “Good to Know” section and not in the student’s bio paragraph. These terms will still be searchable in Global Link and they will soon be searchable in MyAFS!
  • To increase the accessibility of student audio introductions (for students who have audio introductions available), a live hyperlink will be added to Get to Know, with the header “Student Audio Introduction.” Those who do not have audio files will not show anything in that field.

Note: The Host Family Letter will still be included as part of a student’s Get to Know.

Please contact your Team Development Specialist with any questions you may have!