iEARN Membership & Conference Opportunity

iEARN Membership & Conference Opportunity

We are excited to share a new opportunity for AFS volunteer teams. As part of AFS-USA’s Strategic Plan 2017 priority to strengthen our connection and alignment with educators, last year AFS-USA established a cooperation agreement with iEARN.

iEARN has been a pioneer in bringing technology to education as it connects classrooms and educators around the world. They are a non-profit made up of over thirty thousand schools and youth organizations in 140+ countries. Since 1988, they have pioneered online school linkages in order to enable students to engage in meaningful educational projects with their peers in countries around the world.

Through our partnership with iEARN, AFS Volunteers are now able to offer schools in your area the opportunity to engage in an intercultural learning project with a classroom abroad; over 150 such projects are available on iEARN’s website.

AFS-USA has secured a limited number of iEARN memberships, which we intend to award to AFS schools or volunteer teams to enable them to pursue an international project. If anyone in your team identifies an educational project they would like to undertake with a school in another country, you can apply to AFS-USA to fund your iEARN membership. A total of five memberships will be awarded in 2017. Applications can be completed at:

As an incentive for participation, AFS-USA will sponsor an educator who undertakes an iEARN project to participate in the annual iEARN International Conference and Youth Summit, which will run from 17-22 July. This conference is an opportunity for educators and administrators to meet and discuss how they can use technology to build global understanding and enhance teaching and learning. It will showcase educational technological activities and new innovative curricula.

AFS-USA is offering this opportunity as a means to build relationships with schools and educators. We plan to award participation in this conference to an individual who is able to successfully deliver an international project.

If you’re interested in pursuing a membership with iEARN, please communicate this opportunity with your school and – once you have secured their support – contact and with your proposal. Any questions can be referred to these emails as well.