Improvements to the Interviews Widget!

Improvements to the Interviews Widget!

Did you claim an interview and now aren’t able to do it? We’ve made it a lot easier to let everyone in your team know!

Now, when you login to the Interviews widget in the “Responsible” column, you will see an “(Unclaim)” link. Click on it to free up the interview for someone else in your team to claim!

Additionally, more resources for host family interviews are now easily accessible.

When you click into the Host Family Interview form, you will now see two new links at the top of the screen.

  1. Go directly to the host family application
  2. Get resources to help you with the interview

Before you go for the in-person host family interview, make sure to click on these links to review the host family application and also to get helpful tips for you as an interviewer and for the host family.