Interested in Volunteering at the National Level?

Interested in Volunteering at the National Level?

The CAG, the Compliance Advisor Group, is looking for volunteers to join our team. Compliance with AFS, CSIET and US Department of State standards and regulations is critical to the continuing operation of AFS-USA. By staying compliant not only do we ensure the continuation of AFS-USA, but we also promote more fulfilling and safe programs for students and families.  The job of the CAG is to:

  • Develop recommendations to ensure that AFS-USA achieves full compliance with all regulations and standards.
  • Consult on proposed changes to compliance that impact volunteers.

This year (2021) the CAG is focusing on:

  • Reducing volunteer confusion over participant move requirements by distinguishing between Moves and Visits in MyAFS.
  • Improving compliance tools and ensuring their wide distribution to liaisons.
  • Increasing diversity on the CAG.

For more information about the CAG, please click here.

We want the group to include volunteers from across the country, representing different types of teams and bringing different perspectives. We ask volunteers to commit to being an active member for a minimum of one year, renewable up to four years.  We meet monthly, on the first Wednesday in the evening, and committee members often work on projects with staff members outside of the monthly meeting.  Currently we are looking for a volunteer from the Southeast Region, but as members rotate off, we will need volunteers from other regions as well.

Please consider sharing your experience, perspective and love of AFS, with the CAG Team.  For more information, please contact Patti Rounsevell, CAG Co-Chair, and fill out the interest form.