Introducing Natalie Rehberger-Participant Support Specialist

Introducing Natalie Rehberger-Participant Support Specialist

We are excited to announce the newest member of the Participant Support Department: Natalie Rehberger!

Natalie is from the forested Bellingham and Whidbey islands, both in Washington State. She previously helped create a study abroad program in Beijing after receiving her degree in Business and International Studies. Her passion for cross-cultural understanding began when she was an AFS/YES student in Indonesia.

Natalie’s first day at AFS-USA was October 2, 2017. She is very excited to be part of AFS and explore her new home.

Natalie is working with the following Area Teams: Randolph VT, Vermont, Allegheny Highlands, DelMarPa, New Jersey, MissTennky, One World, Massachusetts Bay (Sending only), Ohio River Valley (Sending only), and Northwest Ohio (Sending only.)

Welcome, Natalie!