Just one more.

Just one more.

Dear AFS Volunteers,

Last January, over 2,000 young people across the globe began dreaming of coming to the U.S. They put their faith in the volunteers and staff of AFS-USA, and we answered accordingly.

We’ve worked incredibly hard. We have shown what volunteers can do, and what U.S. citizens are truly made of. And we are so close to making those dreams come true for all of our deserving students whom we’ve committed to welcoming with open arms.

As of this morning, only 63 more students need host families in order to begin the life-changing experience they are so eagerly awaiting.

Simply put, that’s one student per team. It’s one student per family that said “maybe.” And it’s just one more student for us each to champion so that they can step off the plane one week from today and begin a year of unparalleled learning and promoting peace.

If ever there was a time to walk together and talk together, this is it. As a community, we have demonstrated to ourselves and the world the power of one simple act of kindness: opening one’s door and welcoming a stranger. What a remarkable mission we have the honor to serve!

So thank you for your tireless pursuit for our students, all the way up to the last minute at midnight tonight, August 31st. If you can help place just one student in your area, together we can reach our goal and be the best that AFS-USA can be.


Jorge Castro, on behalf of all of us at AFS-USA