National Volunteer Award Nominations Now Open

National Volunteer Award Nominations Now Open

It’s time to nominate volunteers and teams for the 2020 editions of the Emerging Leader Award, the Mission Award, and the Dream Team Award!

The nomination period for all three awards is March 1 – April 17, 2020. Award descriptions, nominee criteria, and nomination forms will all be available on each award’s MyAFS Help & Learning page on March 1, 2020.

The Emerging Leader Award recognizes an individual who shows the potential to be a future leader within the AFS-USA volunteer structure of their chapter or team. The Mission Award recognizes an outstanding volunteer who has made a significant impact in promoting the core values and mission of AFS through their leadership. And the Dream Team Award recognizes teams for exceptional and outstanding service that benefits AFS-USA volunteers in more than one area of volunteer development and recognition.

So get ready to nominate! The nomination period for all three awards is March 1 – April 17, 2020. Questions not addressed on each award’s MyAFS Help & Learning page can be sent to